The Aggie Eats food truck is a program designed to increase student access to delicious, nutritious, healthy food and other basic needs resources. Stop by the truck, grab a meal and pay nothing or pay a few bucks or even pay a few extra! No one knows what you paid, and any money that comes in goes right back into more meals for students.
Food Truck Updates!
None for now!
Ordering and Payment Directions:
The pay-what-you-want pricing structure allows students to select any amount that they would like to pay, including $0, to ensure that students experiencing food insecurity have options to access healthy, nutritious food.
Students can access the ordering system by:
- Scanning the QR code on the meal they order.
- This allows students to take the meal home or to class and pay at their convenience.
- Advanced ordering is not permitted.
- Students use their smartphones to pay by following the prompts, selecting a payment amount, and submitting the payment. This allows payments to be confidential.
FOOD TRUCK LOCATION AND SCHEDULE (location subject to change, please check back often)
- Monday: QUAD
- Wednesday: STORER HALL
- Thursday: ORCHARD PARK
- Friday: QUAD
- Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm or until sold out
AggieEats Weekly Menu
Additional Campus Microwave Locations
At Aggie Compass we believe that food is love … and love is a basic need. As someone who grew up dealing with food insecurity, I understand the importance of having access to healthy, nutritious food and the huge impact it can make in your life. With this in mind, we hope AggieEats can help, so students can focus on bigger things and not have to worry about having their basic needs met. Our food is made with love and served with love, and we hope that it feeds your heart as much as your bellies."

Follow our Instagram @ucd_aggieeats for menu information.
About AggieEats
AggieEats is an innovative food truck concept to address food insecurity for students at UC Davis. According to the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey, 42% of UC Davis students have experienced times of low to very low food security. We know that food insecurity is fluid and can be impacted by unexpected circumstances, which means students’ needs may fluctuate throughout their time on campus. Through a partnership with the Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center and Student Dining Services and donor support, the food truck is able to provide freshly prepared food for up to 500 students at no to low cost.
How It Works
The pay-what-you-want pricing structure allows students to select any amount that they would like to pay, including $0, to ensure that students experiencing food insecurity have options to access healthy, nutritious food. Students can access the ordering system by scanning the QR code on the meal they order, this allows students to take the meal home or to class and pay at their convenience. Advanced ordering is not permitted.
Students use their smartphones to pay by following the prompts, selecting a payment amount, and submitting the payment. This allows payments to be confidential.

About Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center is a space for students to build community, get connected to housing programs, receive CalFresh enrollment assistance and get support navigating basic needs resources and services.
About Dining Services
Dining Services produces one of the nation’s finest collegiate dining programs, offering delicious, nutritious meals made from sustainable food sources. Our services include campus restaurants (Scrubs Cafe, Latitude), residential dining halls, campus coffee locations, markets and food trucks.